Thursday, July 24, 2008


This will be my last blog on this site, for more info on my research project please see the group blog

Today we wrote poetry, this is my poem:

We are flesh made only to forget:

We are flesh made only to forget
to heal our wounds and evaporate our losses
but the mind remembers
streams of thought
found in dreams
memories of things never experienced
lives that must have existed
must have existed
Why is the life I don't lead so familiar?
why do I feel the ripples of water travel through my skin as I watch a stream flow?
why do I feel the racking in my jaw as a squirrel sucks the sweetest juice from a maple tree?
why do I know the weighty silence of the immobile life of a rock?
I wish I could feel the way salmon
their flesh stretching and pulling against the thrashing of white water
I know the taste of their flesh in my mouth
when all the movement has died out
it is nothing but the palest pink-easily dissolved
Why do the lives and deaths that are not mine feel so familiar?
why is it my flesh can not forget
that all of life lives within it.

Thanks for reading, and thanks to all the great teachers and classmates in this summer program!!!!

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