Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Projects and Pedagogy

We're starting our research today, but definitely already feeling the time crunch.  The three P's are closing in proposal, project, pedagogy.  I am psyched about our project I think it will be fun and hopefully useful too.  There is nothing worse than spending loads of time on something that will have no effect whatsoever.  I think this project combines the best of both worlds for me, I can learn the plants and expand my knowledge of ecology and I can research some of the interesting social aspects, what the plants are used for, etc.  Plus I get to draw, which is always nice since I hardly ever have time anymore.

I am not exactly sure how the pedagogy paper is going to work out right now.  I think I am very intuitive when I write and I do not take well to specific structure, I like to find my own structure and come to new knowledge as I write.  Writing can help me to sort out my thoughts, but when I feel too restricted I end up writing with the passion of a scientific report.  Hopefully, I will find a way to work out my thoughts with the restrictions.  My main idea right now is focusing on interconnectedness and our dependence on the environment.  It is hard to define because my personal value is that nature has worth outside of its human connection, however, I believe when teaching students it is best to teach with the focus on natures interaction with people.  We are all inherently self-centered, this is not necessarily bad, it just means that we think in terms of ourselves.  I think making nature less foreign and more a part of ourselves will increase our capacity for empathy.  And therefore will cause us to treat nature in a less exploitative way.  I enjoy thinking in these philosophical terms and I do think I carry them with me as I act in the world.  I think I need to examine my life and actions thoroughly before I begin to teach.  It is so important to live what you preach.  But I do not think people should be too hard on themselves, they should do what they can, everything they can, but not wither away in guilt.

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